Monday, October 16, 2006

The big thinker for today:

"We are born with a seed of selfhood that contains the spiritual DNA of our uniqueness - an encoded birthright knowledge of who we are, why we are here, and how we are related to others.”

But what happens if we lose our awareness of this seed, or even worse, if we had no awareness of it to begin with? If we do not tend it, do we kill it? Or does it merely go dormant, waiting for us to reestablish the conditions necessary for it to germinate.

I would hope that this seed of selfhood, the design of our very nature, is perennial – with the ability to weather the harshest winter of our soul and grow again stronger and more vital when the warm spring of possibility blows across our consciousness. That a glimpse of familiar leaves and stalks reminds us what is planted and allows us to imagine the scent and beauty of our inherent bloom.

It is an interesting thought considering the gardens of summer are dying off and the land is growing stark. Perhaps even rumination on this idea needs the quiet of fall and winter to truly take root and yield understanding.

Deep horticultural metaphors – self-indulgent musings or a yet untapped vein of insight??

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Adding yet another layer to the speech conundrum...

Words are a heavy thing...they weigh you down. If birds talked, they couldn't fly.