Thursday, September 25, 2008


Uploading Photos.

Chicago AIDS Walk. September 20, 2008 (Many thanks to my wonderful Mom for walking with me!)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

This Blog Thing

In my search to be relevant (thank you Denny Crane) in the blogosphere, I have been trying to identify the consistently appealing elements of the blogs to which I respond, and work to incorporate them into mine.

Since I am, as of yet, lacking a specific topical focus for my musings (a tact that seems to fast track a blogger toward a certain clarity of content) and I do not have a universal viewpoint through which I can connect with the internet masses (i.e., mommyhood, shopping, guns, free-diving, etc.) I have in the meantime decided to simply do my best to create a blog which I myself would find appealing. I'm not sure how this will play out, but one unifying element that I gravitate toward on blogs is the photography. Not a big revelation to anyone who knows me, but in living on the fringe of the modern tech world, I am not even remotely versed in producing a photographic blog. So for the immediate time being, my efforts will include bringing pics to this page.

Monday, September 08, 2008

UPDATE - 99 Problems - One of them being Laziness

So the crack about laziness turned out to be slightly prophetic, but it’s not like I haven’t been doing ANYTHING…

So as a means to jump back into the blogging fray, I’ll start with an abbreviated update of my 99 things. To start, they’ve been changed to 50 things - but really, isn’t practicality the foundation for success??? This serves more as a reminder for me, so I won't be giving regular updates. I just needed a kick in the pants to get going... Here’s the list so far:

50 Things for 2008


1) Re-learn how to have a conversation
I hadn’t thought about this one, but the more I am, I’m wondering if it was my conversation ability or those I chose to engage. Perhaps I should be re-learning how to choose someone to have a conversation with…

2) Re-learn how to walk in high heels
Not too much progress, but now that I’m in the new office where I have to dress like a girl, I’m going to aim for extending the dress code down to my feet.

3) Manicures - even every now and then
New, but no progress yet.

4-9) TBD!


10) Write one letter per month.
Bad, bad, bad.

11) Leave a server a really big tip in proportion to the ticket
Well, I left a $5.00 tip for a carwash I didn’t even get??? I’ll shoot for one better than that before the end of the year.

12) Use the Steve Chandler “Call List”.
Haven’t. Should.

13) Find lost friends.
See 12

14) Make one friend date per month.
Dragging Marc to the Art Institute for the Africa exhibit.

15-19) TBD!


20) Walk Dougal every day.
Good on this one!

21) Ride my bike to work 2 days a week for the entire summer and then some...
Didn’t, but I have high hopes for September and October.

22) Lose 15 pounds
No, but am going to join Warrenville, and with the biking, there might be progress.

23) Find a Doctor and an Ob/Gyn AND GO!
Before November!

24) Continue with dental work.
Good in theory, but bad in pocketbook.

25) Fall in love with Exercise
Maybe not in love, but there are moments of like…

26) Be able to do 20 pushups by my 40th birthday
This one is still on the docket!

27-29) TBD.


30) Learn Basic Spanish.
Investigate the library. CDs for car?

31) Read, Read, Read
Does 1085 pages of the Lord of the Rings count?.

32) Take a class
OK, find a class.

33) Re-evaluate my relationship with the media

34) Go on a Gossip Diet

35) Be an informed voter in November
And try not to have an aneurysm before the 4th!

36-39) TBD


40) Organize cookbooks and recipes

41) Make 1 new recipe per week.

42) Eat Fresh Food
Sounded good in theory.

43) Look for sustainable food options
Do it

44) Try one new restaurant per month
Do it..

45) Throw a Tapas Party
Really, just do it.

46-49) TBD!


50) Increase what I’m savings by 25% per month.
Start a “Saving Yourself” account.

51) Go on a buying “fast”
And clear out what I have.

52) Think about investments/retirement

53) Make a budget
Know where our money is going!!

54) Open a “Rainy Day” bank account.
See #50

55) Apply for and get a credit card
Use and pay each month – shoot to boost credit score above 700 by 2009

56-59) TBD


60-69) TBD. This is for when someone says “You’ve got to…”


70) Use twice the value of my Art Institute membership
So far, Hopper & Winslow, Africa in September, & Bresson fallYEAH!)

71) Renew National Geographic Membership
Did that AND Smithsonian!

72) See one opera at the Lyric
Matinee series plus Tristain & Isolde w/ Mom & Joy.

73) Go to Ravinia
Lyle Lovett w/ Matt & Chung - awesome!

74) Play Bodhran!
Step it up.

75) Visit one new museum
Not yet.

75) Take an Architectural Boat Tour
And again, not yet. But fall would be pretty…

76-79) TBD!


80) Renew Passport!

81) Be a Tourist at Home
Didn’t do this, but again, fall IS really pretty.

82) Visit Maureen in MD
Sigh, No.

83-89) TBD


90) Take LOTS and LOTS of pictures
Fill the photo diary!

91-99) TBD… lots TBD…