Breaking Through
When I realized that the picture in the last post had snow in it, it occurred to me that I had obviously stopped looking around at the world. And when I stop looking, I stop photographing things. And when I stop photographing things, it is a pretty safe guess that I have slipped way down to the bottom of my priority list – and that is never a good thing! I made this sadly, not-so-shocking revelation on April 21st – meaning almost two weeks had past since I’d added anything to this creative endeavor. So in an attempt to put myself back on track, I looked to the two places where it is easiest to find inspiration – up and then down.
But realization does not always mean rectification and here it is another two weeks without a post. Fortunately it has not been a total creative drought. A delightful weekend at EIU found me a wonderful photographic cohort in G. and the Garden Party fundraiser at E. & B.’s could not help but inspire. (in fact it resulted in some of the most satisfying images I’ve made in a while!)

So hopefully this means I’ve shaken off some of the dampness that apparently leeched into my soul this spring and am ready to soak in some sun. I’m keeping my fingers crossed (and since I just found out that Mercury is in retrograde – my mouth shut!) and once again I'll look up.