So I was driving yesterday morning (mostly ‘cause I felt so guilty that I didn’t even have a dollar to put in the basket at church that I didn’t go) and I was thinking about the photos of the Obama rally in St. Louis with 100,000 people. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, but not quite because it had been talked about at the DGAAN meeting, but not that much, so still pretty much out of nowhere, that the Obama campaign should ask people to bring donations of food to their rallies to donate to local food pantries. That St. Louis rally could have brought in almost a quarter of a million cans of food!
I’m not sure where this idea came from, because in fact, it id not feel like it was mine. I ruminated over it all day, but it still felt like it was plucked from thin air and plopped in my head. So while I would normally then just drop it, I instead emailed the Obama campaign and told them my idea. I’m not sure if anything will come of it, but if they all of a sudden start collecting food at their rallies, I’ll know that it was a pretty special idea.
I hope it happens!
Today's Election Advent Calendar Message:
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. "
- Abraham Lincoln