In just a little over 30 days, as we come dangerously close to letting the uninformed and/or easily swayed hijack, once again, the constitutional right (not to mention the Constitution itself) of American individuals to a government by the people and FOR THE PEOPLE, it leaves one just slightly more optimistic about our future to see a little group of people so committed to the idea of Peace that not only do they choose to celebrate it but they ask their government to celebrate it too!
Following is the Mayoral Proclamation declaring September 21st, 2008, West Chicago Peace Day.
West Chicago City Council Proclamation #487:
Proclaimed, September 2, 2008
Declared an official holiday by the United Nations in 1981, Peace Day is celebrated worldwide in over 200 countries. The historic U.N. Peace Day resolution calls for an international day of global ceasefire and nonviolence. All nations and individuals are invited on this day to cease all hostilities and join in a worldwide celebration, reflection, and one minute of silence for inner and world peace. The hope is that more and more people will be inspired to carry the commitment of nonviolence forward into the days beyond, until everyday is a celebration of peace.
Recognizing that in 1981, the United Nations officially declared the twenty-first day of September of every year to be Peace Day, calling for an international day of global ceasefire and nonviolence;
WHEREAS, citizens of West Chicago, Illinois understand that peace is an active process that embraces the deepest hopes of all people, and remains humanity's guiding inspiration; and
WHEREAS, we recognize that an enduring peace is our most important national interest, as well as a core value; and
WHEREAS, peaceful unity, understanding and cooperation among individuals and nations is essential to the freedom of all; and
WHEREAS, we share the vision of a day when humanity knows only peace among all nations and in every heart; and
WHEREAS, we are proud to join the rest of our nation and people from around the world in avowing our deepest commitment to peace in our homes, our communities and across the globe;
NOW, THEREFORE, I Michael B. Kwasman, Mayor of the City of West Chicago, do hereby proclaim September 21, 2008 as
Photos from Peace Fest 2008
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